Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pictures from Minnesota!

Sarah, Me, and Amy. Sarah is holding Tetris. She was absolutely addicted to that game! She wouldn't let go of it, so she took the picture with it!

Isaac, Amy and Sarah's brother. So muscular for an eight year old. WOW!

And then there's Amy. It must be a family trait! :)

Sarah hanging from a tree. They slept on the trampoline two nights before.

Sarah and Amy with their dog, Shadow. She is old, but a great dog.

This is Sarah, Amy, and Me. It was taken at their house outside. They have a HUGE yard!

She was just messing around, but I really like that hat!
This is my cousin Amy, I took this picture when we were out shopping. We actually found out that we weren't supposed to take pictures. I got a this one anyway!

HA! I love this picture. They decided to pretend that they were couch potatoes! But you know what? The tv is next to Amy! Oh and her hair is lighter because Sarah and I highlighted it! It took us about 3 1/2 hours!